Monday 26 January 2009

I Think God Choose Me

The peak miracle in my life happen on July 4, 2004 when I read my name hidden in a some one's dream. A citizen of Bantul (Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia) dreamed that he met a Javanese princess who was regarded as a daughter of Pambayun-Ki Ageng Mangir (lived about 1570-1600AD). The name of that princess is RA Parjinah. I know the dream from a book: Bayang-bayang Ratu Adil (this title means The Shadow of King of Justice) written by Sindhunata. When I re-ordered the letters of this name I read as R. Hani Japar. Japar is my parents. That dream was published on local news papper about April 1993. However until 2002 (when I read my hidden name) no one else found me as R. Hani Japar. R or Raden is title of Javanese knight like R. Wijaya (about 1293 AD), R. Patah (1500 AD), R. Suteja/Jaka Tingkir (1540 AD), and R. Rangsang/Sultan Agung (1620 AD).

I think God choose me, like I read in Holy Bible, Rev 2:17 that say:"To him who overcomes, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to him who receive it"

By this spiritual experience with God, I would like to give a warning to all over the world. My task just give a warning not to execute. God by himself will execute people that makes Him angry. My task just on public prosperity on earth in one side of God's plan, not in a way to heaven. About the way to heaven is task of clergyman not me.


  1. Nice post.
    May God choosing you to spread the love in this world.

  2. Thank you for your comment and visit. GBU
