Friday 30 January 2009

My Story in Defying Triple Six

My book Herucakra Society Jalan Ketiga Ekonomi Dunia is scientific (secular) book. I does not relate this book with triple six. This book contains my grand theory about macroeconomics that I call as biosocioeconomics (bioeconomics). This theory defies inheriting of plentiful individual asset to children of the owner of this asset.

There are four non violence ways to make the dream of biosocioeconomics come true. These are (1) awareness of each person (2) presure that is done by religious institutions to their community (3) social norm or ethics (4) control of individual asset that is done by consummers society (page 73). No possitive law of country is needed.

These four ways is non violence ways that can be done by human. In my experience if these ways are failure, God will accomplish by dropping doom to the land. It does not mean that the end of the world or the end of the time. On my concern letter which I wrote to a parochial magazine (Nov21, 2003) I stated that if no change of God's plan, the end of the would will be happen next 1.000 years.

About May 2005, I knew that triple six is related to inheriting of plentiful individual asset. I knew from Holy Bible, book of 1 Kings 10:14. So in my paper that I proposed to a writing contest held by LP3ES and Damandiri Foundation, I wrote (in Indonesian language):"In the past, the implementation barrier of democracy of economy in new paradigm came from some priests. Any poor who was improving his household economy by commerce but did not get appreciation. Five talents multiplied become ten talents by trade (word for word meaning) was made a fuss, more over he was labeled as evil capitalist. In other side priests allowed 666 talents inherited to the children of the owner of these asset."

I wrote an article, stated that triple six related to inheriting 0f plentiful individual asset. This article was published by Tabloid Sabda January 2006 on page 17.

However my warning about triple six_stated that triple six would be destroyed by water, fire, earthquake, and sores (compare Rev 16:1-18)_was eliminated by editor of HIDUP magazine. My letter that I wrote May9, 2006 was published on June 4, 2006 without warning about triple six. As a note earthquake was happened on May 27, 2006 in Yogyakarta-Klaten.

By this happen I wrote a concern letter(in Indonesian language) to Christian Journalist all over the world via email. In this letter, I stated again that triple six was related to inheriting of plentiful asset. After that, earthquake was happen in Hawai US (October 2006) and than in Taiwan December 26, 2006. In this letter I also said that Taipei is one of several city would be beaten with blow.

Taiwan earthquake is one of several special earthquake since November 2003 when I wrote my first concern letter. These special earthquake are (1)Iran, December26, 2003 (2)Aceh December 26, 2004 (3)Nias Sumatra March28, 2005 (4)Yogya-Klaten May27, 2006 (5)Taiwan December26, 2006 and (6)Sichuan may 12, 2008. These are special earthquake because happen one day or two days after great day. Nias earthquake happen one day after Easter, Sichuan earthquake one day after Pentecostal day and Yogyakarta earthquake two days after Ascension of Jesus Christ.

Until now I believe that triple six is related to inheriting of plentiful asset and I think God has given warning by special earthquakes. These several earthquakes are like written on Holy Bible (compare Mt 24:7). Nonetheles I would like you not to hit people categorized as triple six by violence. Jesus Christ by Himself will execute triple six like as written in Holly Bible (Rev 19:21).

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